Doctors Voice: Medical Misinformation, impact in India and solution

Last Updated on August 15, 2022 by Team THIP

Internet is the place for people to gain knowledge and share ideas. Social media paltforms help people to stay connected with families/friends and professionals. However, they have also been converting into a haven for inaccurate information.

During a latest study that analysed 9657 pieces of COVID-19 misinformation from 138 countries, India notoriously ranked No.1 for generating the maximum number of misinformation (18.07%). Some of this information is health-related, which can misinform those looking to make health decisions.

Health misinformation has proved to spread faster than accurate information. Even during the pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) commented that there is a parallel infodemic is spreading, raising concerns for the information quality in the online environment.

In a heart-to-heart chat with some practicing doctors, we have discussed how medical misinformation affect the treatment process and what can be done to eliminate that.

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